Heal Project Update January 2024


We have received disturbing news from Zambia in the last week or two. There have been continual heavy thunderstorms during this month, so much so that there has been flooding throughout the country. Owing to the lack of sanitation facilities in the compounds where most of the people live, sewerage has entered the water supply and there is now an outbreak of cholera with subsequent deaths. The government has directed that all schools throughout the country are to be closed until 29th January for thorough cleaning and disinfecting. In view of this the teachers have been busy with soap and disinfectants thoroughly cleaning the whole school premises.

Regarding the water supply at the school.  A borehole was dug and a pump installed when the school was opened over 20 years ago so their water is safe. The photo shows children washing their hands.

While the school is closed a number of needed repairs have been carried out including new toilet facilities, new doors, security lights fitted, repainting of school outside and in etc. for which we have sent extra money.

Before the school closed before Christmas the Grade 7 year students took their final exams.  They have the results with a pass rate of 90% – only one girl had failed and she will be re-entered again soon. Here are the students holding their exam passes.

In view of watching our overall expenses we did ask the school to try cutting down on the number of children entering.  Racheal (headmistress) sent the following reply:

“Yes we are cutting down on the number of children though it is not easy because our school has been running for a long time and many people now know about it and the pass rate of the Grade 7’s is very good hence we have a lot of children coming for enrolment.  Some children come from challenging backgrounds.  Despite the government’s introduction of free education which is competitive and has limited spaces the parents can’t manage to enroll their children due to financial challenges,  (they can’t manage to buy school uniforms and other school requirements).  Consequently when turned away these children end up wandering the community without attending school.  Sadly the majority of our children fall into this category.  The school currently has a total number of 240 children.  We previously used to have about 350 children before we reduced the number.”


Jeannie has been on a new lot of drugs and is very well at the moment.

In December everyone was busy in the garden planting out seeds and seedlings for a variety of vegetables.  At that time the ground was very dry but now with the heavy rain they have been having, all should be well for the time being. Fortunately the property has its own borehole so their water supply should be safe.

With some of the money we sent Jeannie and her helpers were able to provide a lovely Christmas party which they all enjoyed.

We send our best wishes to all at the school and the orphanage.

Thank you to everyone who has donated money to the HEAL Project during last year.  We couldn’t have sent as much without your help.

Joyce Ayles